Monday, April 21, 2008

House Showings...

So, being a mom of a preschooler means that I am also a mom house-hunting with said preschooler. To make this experience slightly more bearable I have tokened her my official photographer. We are scoping things out before we use weekend time to bring Jon and dig into the little family time we do have. It has become apparent; however, that the priorities Ella finds in a house are much different than mine.

For example, the lighting fixtures:


The toilets:

Random Photography (which we found out were all pictures taken from the flower gardens on the property....):

Random "baby" trees:

If you can believe it (I'm sure you can...), I actually deleted many other Ella viewpoints before I uploaded them onto the computer.

In addition to the property pictures, she also seemed to find delight in snapping some of herself:

Whatever keeps her happy, I suppose.....


DisneyDina said...
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DisneyDina said...

Ok, let's try this again without the typos! ELLA sounds just like Noelle with the camera. We also get a lot of those same up close face shots. Too funny!

Amy said...

Whatever works!!! It is fun to see her viewpoint of things!

ross, julie, xixi, and zach said...

LOVE it! especially the little tree! :)

Kathi Roach said...

Thank Goodness for digital cameras! :)

Dani said...

That's too cute, what a good idear! You seeing anything you like?