Friday, July 18, 2008

Coolest WalMart Ever

Well, if there is such a thing, LOL...

This one has an escalator for humans AND carts!!

The kids were fasinated! Yeah, we don't get out much....

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Yey, the pictures are working now! Here we go:

At The Campground


Coby caught one!

On the Caterpillar at IdolWild. This is the last one of it's kind that covers you up as you ride!

More IdolWild!

Swimming @ Canoe Creek, PA

I found this awesome new app for my iphone last night! It turns it into a light saber, complete with sound effects! I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I think this is so cool! There are a few other apps I DL'd that are cool as well. This phone is so much fun!

I can't believe July is halfway over already! Coby is having his party next week and is looking forward to his four good friends coming over to spend the night. Our vacation to the beach is coming up soon as well and none of us can wait!

Did you notice that school supplies are coming out in stores? I've got my list all ready and am eager to partake in weekly specials until we've got it all covered. I can't believe how much I need this year, with Ella starting kindy. Something like 5 dozen pencils and 40 glue sticks! Wow!

I gotta go, I'm looking after 7 kids today (from age 1-12!) and need to get some other things done while they are all occupied.

Have a good weekend, I won't be around until Monday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I was going to post some more pics of my trip but the pics are giving my big fat "X's" when I try and post them. I also can't view anyone else's. Is it me, or is everyone having this problem?

Anyway, in answer to every one's question, I am Authoritative. As I said, no surprise there!

Also, I have noticed that (and some of you have confessed) many of you are coming to my blog to get to others from my list of reads. Especially now that it shows when they have been updated! I totally do not mind that at all, however, might I suggest you look in to Google Reader? This is what I use and LOVE IT. No more wasted time. Well, other than reading every one's entries! It tells you when your favorite blogs (and other things, but I use mine for blogs) have been updated!

One more tidbit of news....I'm going to be a guest blogger on someone else's blog next week! She has asked me to speak on the topic of budgeting, so I'll throw something together and link it here. Fun!

Have a good hump day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What's your parenting style?

So, here's this quiz that you take to determine your parenting style. I don't need a quiz to tell me what I am, but I took it anyway, you know, just to verify..... no surprises there. I'll tell you what I was if you tell me what you were first. But most of you already know what mine probably came up as...

It seems that the choices are:


Here is the quiz link: