Friday, June 6, 2008


Obviously, the second person to comment on my previous post didn't actually read the post....just the title...... For some reason I think that's funny....

Alright, off to OC with me!

And, of course, it's the start of the heavily-attended "Senior Week." At least I'm not planning on being in that part of OC, but we are planning on taking the kids next weekend.....ugh....


Amy said...

LOL! Can't believe she randomly posted that without reading! Hope you had a good time in OC!

Dani said...

Very funny indeed! I didn't even think about senior week, my sister and I were thinking about going on Tues!

Kathi Roach said...

Okay...about the lady who commented:

"We put kids in a box when we only feed them "white foods"......


Hope you and Grandma didn't get too crazy at Beach Week!